




This website contains information on financial products and the funds established in different jurisdictions and tailored specifically for Professional (i.e. Qualified and Institutional) investors. Please consult the specific sections and material to obtain more information. If you are a Private Investor, you should ensure that you selected the correct investor category when entering the website, as failure to do so may result in you accessing material about funds and investment services which may not be suitable for you and/or may not be available for you to invest in. Access to the website is prohibited to any person who comes under a jurisdiction (in particular on account of his/her domicile or nationality and in certain cases on account of investor category) whose applicable laws and/or regulations prohibit the publication and/or provision of the website. Persons who are not authorized to access this site or its content due to their local regulations are requested to leave the site.

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Quaero Capital SA was established as a public limited company (société anonyme) under the laws of Switzerland on 22 April 2005 for an unlimited period of time. Its registered office is situated at rue de Lausanne 20bis, CH-1201 Geneva, Switzerland. It has been registered with the Company’s register of Geneva under the number CH-660-0921005-4 on 28 April 2005. The company is regulated as an Asset Manager of Collective Investment Schemes by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA. Each customer/investor of Quaero Capital SA is entitled to submit their claims to the Company (info@quaerocapital.com) and if, within a reasonable period of time, they consider that they have not received an appropriate answer, they may contact the Swiss Arbitration Association (ASA), Boulevard du Théâtre 4, 1204 Geneva, Tel.: +41 22 819 91 57, e-mail: ombuds-fin@scai.swisshttps://www.swissarbitration.org/centre/ombuds-fin.

Quaero Capital (France) SAS is an asset management company approved by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (www.amf-france.org) under number GP-14000016 as of the 17 June 2014. It is a It is a simplified joint-stock company with a capital of EUR 1,000,000, with a registered office at 4-8 rue Daru, F-75008 Paris, France. Registered with number 802 673 491 at the register of commerce in Paris. The organisation chart of Quaero Capital (France) SAS is available on the following link. According to the regulations, Quaero Capital (France) SAS has the following policies: a voting policy, a best selection and execution policy, a conflict of interest management policy, a complaint handling policy and a policy regarding investment criteria following ESG principles and a remuneration policy according to AIFM and UCITS V guidelines. These documents are available on request from Quaero Capital (France) SAS, either via mail on 4-8 rue Daru, 75008 Paris or via e-mail on info@quaerocapital.com. Each customer/investor of Quaero Capital (France) SAS is entitled to submit their claims to the Company (info@quaerocapital.com) and if, within a reasonable period of time, they consider that they have not received an appropriate answer, they may write to the AMF Mediator (www.amf-france.org/Le-mediateur-de-l-AMF/Presentation) at 17, place de la Bourse, 75082 Paris cedex 2.

In accordance with the regulations, Quaero Capital (Luxembourg) has implemented the following policies: a policy for managing conflicts of interest, a policy for handling complaints, and a remuneration policy. These documents are available on request from Quaero Capital (Luxembourg) SA by mail at 4 rue de l’Eau, L-1449 Luxembourg, or by e-mail at info@quaerocapital.com.

Quaero Capital LLP is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom by the Financial Conduct Authority with registered number 434203 as a full-scope AIFMD firm and has its registered office at 2-4 King Street, London SW1Y6QL United Kingdom.


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